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Custom Tariff

You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.

HS Code Description Duty %
842890200000 - - - Other machinery for lifting, transporting and moving patients 5.00
842890300000 - - - Elevating platforms for loading/unloading aircraft 5.00
842890900000 - - - Other lifting, handling, loading or unloadin machinery 5.00
842911000000 - - Track laying 5.00
842919000000 - - Other 5.00
842920000000 - Graders and levellers 5.00
842930000000 - Scrapers 5.00
842940000001 Tamping Machines 5.00
842940000002 Road Rollers 5.00
842951000000 - - Front-end shovel loaders 5.00
842952000000 - - Machinery with a 360° revolving superstructure 5.00
842959000000 - - Other 5.00
843010000000 - Pile-drivers and pile-extractors 5.00
843020000000 - Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers 5.00
843031100000 - - - Coal or rock cutters Self-propelled 5.00
843031200000 - - - Tunnelling machinery Self-propelled 5.00
843039100000 - - - coal or rock cutters not self-propelled 5.00
843039200000 - - - tunnelling machinery not self-propelled 5.00
843041000000 - - Self-propelled 5.00
843049000000 - - Other 5.00
843050000000 - Other machinery, self-propelled 5.00