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Custom Tariff

You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.

HS Code Description Duty %
848520000000 - By plastics or rubber deposit 5.00
848530000000 - By plaster, cement, ceramics or glass deposit 5.00
848580000000 - Other 5.00
848590000000 - Parts 5.00
848610100000 - - - Milling machines using concentrated ion beams for producing or repairing masks and boules shapes on semiconductor devices 0.00
848610200000 - - - Machines for sawing blocks of monocrystal semiconductors into chips or thin discs into wafers 0.00
848610300000 - - - Grinding and polishing machines for processing semiconductor chips 0.00
848610400000 - - - Cubes cutting machines for milling or notching semiconductor chips 0.00
848610900000 - - - Other 0.00
848620100000 - - - Machines for the dry drilling of patterns on semiconductors 0.00
848620200000 - - - Ion plant machines for activating semiconductors by coating 0.00
848620300000 - - - Direct drawing machines on wafers 0.00
848620400000 - - - Row drawing machines (by the repetition of images) 0.00
848620500000 - - - Other machines for displaying or drawing patterns of circuits on sensitised semiconductor materials 0.00
848620600001 Mould fixing devices for collecting semiconductor plates 0.00
848620600002 Devices for sticking tapes for collecting semiconductor plates 0.00
848620600003 Devices for connecting wires for collecting semiconductor plates 0.00
848620700000 - - - Spray apparatus for drilling, extracting or cleaning semiconductor chips 0.00
848620900000 - - - Other 0.00
848630100001 Digging devices by wet methods 0.00
848630100002 Removing or cleaning devices for the flat screens 0.00