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Custom Tariff

You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.

HS Code Description Duty %
854071000000 - - Magnetrons 5.00
854079000000 - - Other 5.00
854081000000 - - Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes 5.00
854089000000 - - Other 5.00
854091000000 - - Of cathode-ray tubes 5.00
854099000000 - - Other 5.00
854110000001 Double reference valves 0.00
854110000002 Double valves especially in the evaluation of electric power 0.00
854110000003 Dual voltage regulating valves 0.00
854110000004 Dual voltage comparison valves 0.00
854110009999 Other dual valves 0.00
854121000000 - - With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W 0.00
854129000000 - - Other 0.00
854130000000 - Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosensitive devices 0.00
854141000000 -- Light-emitting diodes (LED) 0.00
854142000000 -- Photovoltaic cells not assembled in modules or made up into panels 0.00
854143000000 -- Photovoltaic cells assembled in modules or made up into panels 0.00
854149000000 -- Other 0.00
854151000000 -- Semiconductor-based transducers 0.00
854159000000 -- Other 0.00
854160000000 - Mounted piezo-electric crystals 0.00