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Custom Tariff

You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.

HS Code Description Duty %
900580009999 Other instruments 5.00
900590000000 - Parts and accessories (including mountings) 5.00
900630000001 Devices specializing in underwater photography 5.00
900630000002 Devices specializing in aerial photography 5.00
900630000003 Devices specializing for medical examination 5.00
900630000004 Devices specializing for medical imaging of internal organs 5.00
900630000005 Devices specializing for forensic or criminology laboratories 5.00
900640000000 - Instant print Cameras 5.00
900653000000 -- For roll film of a width of 35 mm. 5.00
900659000000 - - Other 5.00
900661000000 - - Discharge lamp ("electronic") flashlight apparatus 5.00
900669000000 - - Other 5.00
900691000000 - - For cameras 5.00
900699000000 - - Other 5.00
900710000000 - Cameras. 5.00
900720000000 - Projectors 5.00
900791000000 - - For cameras 5.00
900792000000 - - For projectors 5.00
900850000000 -Projectors, enlargers and reducers 5.00
900890000000 - Parts and accessories 5.00
901010000001 Automatic devices and equipment 5.00