You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.
HS Code | Description | Duty % |
961310000000 | - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, non-refillable | 5.00 |
961320000000 | - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, refillable | 5.00 |
961380000002 | Welding lighters | 5.00 |
961380000003 | Automobile and vehicle lighters | 5.00 |
961380000005 | electrical Cigarette lighters | 5.00 |
961380009999 | Other lighters | 5.00 |
961390000000 | - Parts | 5.00 |
961400100000 | - - - Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) | 5.00 |
961400200001 | hookah | 5.00 |
961400200002 | Water pipe | 5.00 |
961400200003 | Bags containing hookah tobacco and its supplies | 5.00 |
961400200004 | Bags containing hookah tobacco and its supplies | 5.00 |
961400200005 | Hookah tobacco trays | 5.00 |
961400200006 | Hookah tobacco trays | 5.00 |
961400209999 | Other | 5.00 |
961400900001 | Cigar mouth tips | 5.00 |
961400900002 | Cigarette mouth tips | 5.00 |
961400900003 | Hookah mouth tips | 5.00 |
961400909999 | Other | 5.00 |
961511000001 | Reinforced rubber combs | 5.00 |
961511000002 | Plastic combs | 5.00 |